Survey shows ...

The ABC are fond , like many in the media,  of using " surveys" . Tonight was a classic. ABC news kept running a non news,  non science story that " most people wanted someone do something about the Murray Darling"   . Same stupid question and answer as some have been doing for such subjects as "Climate change" or "reducing violence" or " poor teachers in schools"  ( Never the students problem notice  ).
If there was a half decent scientist and supercynic amongst them they would be saying "beware of those who use surveys to say what they want the people to say" . Our often excellent ABC needs to weed out susscience reporters if its going to compete with the BBC and blogs who do respect sound science principles in practice  .
 The only poll that matters long term in science is the one that gets the item into "boring"  - Few science issues need hot air to establish themselves in consensus territory . They just go there naturally if they are more than hype and spin .Scientific American  has just acknowledged there are plenty of scientists who either don't accept AGW or the quickfix response agendas promoted by the wannabes .
Surveys would show that ABCTV  are not presenting science at all well BECAUSE they let polys tell us what science says.  Why do so many ABC media think polys know what they are talking about ( QANDA is a blatantly typical example ) - a mystery and faith of grand proportions -
Maybe journos like people like themselves - good at spin . All the hype in the world won't keep the ABC from slipping behind in the news stakes if it continues to confuse commentary with reporting. How seriously do the media think we take all their talk about someone else's  more competent talking ? .


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