The shifting sands of consensus talk

Other blogs of mine in recent times reflect on the increasing occupation of positions of high office by children or trusting souls who move where angels fear to tread .  My faith knows no such territory either here on earth or in families . Such places are pure fiction supported only by the plethora of smoothed over television equivalents of fantasy  that  try to tell us what we don't want to hear -- we are not all friends and we don't all like what we do to each other
To try pack them in under the rafters is to risk certaing an almighty explosion - in real life .


  1. If we are not allowed to get angry when we get to church we don't go . We aren't going and we ain't talking . The problem then is that those who started the converstaion go the way they wanted in the first place . They win because they consulted (even if its just a tokenistic , "all who are here" said yes kind of way )


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