The Accountancy Ascendancy

AN Whitehead  knew the problem we are talking about  here was coming - he stated so nearly 100 years ago .
It was in his area of interest ( maths ) as it was also Bertrand Russell's. The point is ----in some of the more challenging professions mere stats leads to more stupidity than it  is worth .
WE all know ( those of us who have to justify with endless columns of statistics ) that all the numbers don't always make sense . The focus on the qualitative has left out the qualilitative somehow .Sure  we  scientists  love "Excel",  but its only a tool and quality product  means tools ( incl graphs) should only be used by qualified tradesman.( scientist using the method in a fixed and defined area )

There is a rat in the woodpile and few there will be that find it( mere accountants haven't got a hope )- despite the smell being thoroughly obnoxious right   across the western world.   The dummies in charge think growth is in numbers when all the time its in quality of service - something that often defies the collection categories.
The ignorance of human nature here too is appalling - as if the desire by management to get small  numbers will not build small increases in and of the desire ( at a cost to some other quality measure considerations)  .

My suggestion : Too many years of basic maths means we have a management class who know nothing else?  The stultification of society by the two column ledger brigade  "The Accountancy  Ascendancy" A  great mathematician , Whitehead, saw the dumbing down dilemma (  real world problems often  have at least 10 columns in the ledgers )coming but no one could understand what he was saying ?
Thank God , The Creator is not only a great programmer, but he knows how to hook up which wires to which connections and not trip anyone up in the process.


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