Biggest scoop of the new millenium
The governments ability to waste money on the environment .
The last 40 years of dumbing down of the real challenges of living within our means on this planet has meant western governments/ public have routinely wasted billions on environnemental tokens . The people have ignored the reality that these huge challenges need to be mediated by those who not only understand the complexity but the relative impossibility of helpful change .
Any way enough for now . You can help me make a list of politicians who have suffered from their own ignorance and arrogance on this.
You will get some idea of the depth of this stupidity if you think of how the major parties fair NO better than the simple and impractical Greens.
Australia only
The last 40 years of dumbing down of the real challenges of living within our means on this planet has meant western governments/ public have routinely wasted billions on environnemental tokens . The people have ignored the reality that these huge challenges need to be mediated by those who not only understand the complexity but the relative impossibility of helpful change .
Any way enough for now . You can help me make a list of politicians who have suffered from their own ignorance and arrogance on this.
You will get some idea of the depth of this stupidity if you think of how the major parties fair NO better than the simple and impractical Greens.
Australia only
- Bracks and Thwaites ( water )
- Gillard and Rudd (Carbon Tax )
- Turnbull on following public approval
This is just a start ; a note to remind any readers that they have been living in the dark .
If you want to know how we can deduce this, study science in practice and you might get some idea why this 20 yr old campaign exists amongst thinking people who have been effective in conservation theory and practice.
We all the risk of having a Trump in charge is real . But what is a Trump ?and how many do we have ? We have lots and they are on both sides of politics ;
ReplyDeleteWhat is a trump?
-People who think they know without really checking
- people who think they can do the impossible
- peopel who think they are gods
As a practical geomorphologist I have had to remind all sides of politics last week that they can't do what only God can do with wetland protection and renewal .
They can blow up all the dams and run us all dry and still not do what a wetted up soil and God can do . We can stop the guilt train dead by admitting that yes we do take from the river and only by BOTH Grace and real professional wisdom can we restore any damage we have done . No need to panic . no
forgot the main link Please read
When will the Australian Newspaper summarize the very low cost benefit of our emergency services . Under Labor the prevention of degradation never happens - they are too busy lighting fires and then putting them out . Cryingwolf
ReplyDeleteThe left s dumb reliance and faith in progress (being something that just happens like shit and evolution happens... but is not a recipe for progress ) worries me. but so do the Liberals-- we they try to go woke as they are prone to do, living next to them in big cities .
ReplyDelete. Albanese was on the TV last night regurgitating fake news fears of more droughts and storm events ( so much bigger and more theatening than mere global warming ever was ...... Not--- becaise its not even remotely demonstrated by any scientist o be related to CO2 )
Bigger picture
But nothing is more obnoxios than ignorance and arrogance and both of them combined :
The empty house Libs trying to build a new high rise in the city ( They should name the right branch of the libs the Real estate Institute for misplaced concreteness)
I can understand why Freidenberg Kroker , Chester and Mckenzie and the sleepy sydney set want t sound environmental......... but for Gods sake do your homework -- Zero emission targets for CO2 are not possible .
If these child like retrogrades on real conservation knew the basics they would know that wokes don't know how to feed themselves . In merely trying to represenst them the Libs will look and ACT like the biggest wooses on the planet .
And do these one eyed woke investors and boards believe in zero targets?.... of course not . They just know a short trem growth opportunity when they see one in their desperate myopia produced by no interest gains.
Let the truth set us free . Short term gain long term pain ---- some of you Libs really piss me off because you don't know and follow the future.