Anger - the cool calm collected view

In the heat of the moment ----- everyone is offering solutions  see the alternative below
Malcolm Turnbull PM 
( Paraphrase ) Need to try Something new--  experiment , We have time , we are the government and we issue cheques to ourselves to wait
Why so angry?  Because all our power has been stripped away from us and every hour of every day, we are being told by some socially superior politically correct losers - whom we must embrace, what we should say, what is acceptable, what isn't acceptable, whom to kowtow too, how much to hate democracy and western values, whom we must give our money to.....those are just a few of the reasons why we are so angry.
We're angry because we are being taught to hate ourselves because of everything we once used to value. We're expected to lay down and grovel in the face of the things we used to stand up and fight against.  We're angry and we don;t have the power to do anything about it.  We're being mocked by our enemies who resort to outrage when questioned by even the gentlest reason.
And unfortunately a lot of that anger comes from the fairer sex. Gillard set the tone for women to be angry and attack everything a man says and does as women standing up for their rights and all men being misogynists. The left is also stripping away our way of life and then calling us racist, red necks, bigots etc. of cause we are angry.

Why so angry?  Because all our power has been stripped away from us and every hour of every day, we are being told by some socially superior politically correct losers - whom we must embrace, what we should say, what is acceptable, what isn't acceptable, whom to kowtow too, how much to hate democracy and western values, whom we must give our money to.....those are just a few of the reasons why we are so angry.


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